Learn Baseball Hitting Tips Here
When it's all said and done, quite a bit of successful baseball hitting will come down to what your personal preference is because you are the one who must feel comfortable at the plate. However, there are some very good starting points. 1. Stand close enough to the plate so that when you're bent over slightly at the waist, you can extend the bat and still reach the outside corner of the plate. 2. As far as your baseball stance, make believe its basketball and you're guarding another player. This will give you a very good foundation to encourage effective Baseball Hitting Lessons . Your weight should be on the balls of your feet, and you should be leaning slightly toward home plate. 3. Relax and let the air out. Tension is a hitter's worst enemy. 4. Grip the bat where the fingers meet the hands. Not the palms. Use a medium grip because a tight grip will slow down your bat speed. 5. Your head should be facing the pitcher and c...